Groundbreaking at the new Magdalene house!

Finally the groundbreaking on November 12th! Our first official meeting for a new Magdalene house on Arthur Avenue was on Friday, June 12th. There had been discussions and meetings over the last year or two in regards to remodeling the existing house; however, every person who inspected the house said it was beyond repair…so it was removed. The Magdalene staff wanted to build a home as “green” as they could. We definitely could build an Energy Star certified home, but an EarthCraft house? I pulled together a design team, including Curtis Borntrager of Borntrager Homes, Inc., Jeff Middlebrooks of E3 Innovate, and Shonna Sexton of Shonna Sexton Studio. We finished the construction drawings on September 9, 2009. The process took longer than usual, because of the pro-bono work and EarthCraft home design. This is why everyone is so excited at the groundbreaking!

We will be videoing and blogging about the construction process of the house for you. I believe it is important to show you what the energy efficient & green products look like on the building site. This will assist you for your own home addition or new home project.