We have assembled an online resource page dedicated to best practices in the home design and building industry field.
Many of the people and companies listed here are the top experts in their fields. This information is intended to be an internet resource guide for homeowners, builders, developers, and preservationist in the home design and building industry.
Know of a great resource? Let us know! Please send your comments and suggestions to: info@taylormadeplans.com
Best Practices in Construction
- Fine Homebuilding (http://www.finehomebuilding.com/)
- Journal of Light Construction (http://www.jlconline.com/)
Energy Efficiency and Green Building
- Energy Star (https://www.energystar.gov/)
- Earthcraft Homes (http://www.earthcraft.org/)
- U.S. Green Building Council/ LEED standards (http://www.usgbc.org/leed)
- Building science (http://www.buildingscience.com/)
- Advanced Energy (www.crawlspaces.org)
- Energy Vanguard (https://www.energyvanguard.com)
Historic House Information (How to)
- This Old House (http://www.thisoldhouse.com/toh/)
- Old House Journal (http://www.oldhousejournal.com/)
- Old House Guy (http://www.oldhouseguy.com/)
- The Craftsman Blog (http://thecraftsmanblog.com/)
Historic Preservation Organizations
- National Trust for Historic Preservation (http://www.preservationnation.org/)
- Tennessee Preservation Trust (http://www.tennesseepreservationtrust.org/)
- Historic Nashville (http://www.historicnashvilleinc.org/)
- National Alliance for Preservation Commissions (https://napcommissions.org/)
- Preservation Directory (http://www.preservationdirectory.com/HistoricalPreservation/Home.aspx)
Local Nashville Building Codes/Historic Overlay Zoning (Davidson County)
- Metro Codes (http://www.nashville.gov/Codes-Administration.aspx)
- Municode/ordinances (https://www.municode.com/library/tn/metro_government_of_nashville_and_davidson_county)
- Davidson County Restrictive covenants: required for detached accessory buildings (garage, outbuildings, sheds, etc.) http://www.nashville.gov/Codes-Administration/Land-Use-and-Zoning-Information/Zoning-Examinations/Restrictive-Covenants.aspx
- Metro Historic Zoning Commission (http://www.nashville.gov/Historical-Commission/About/Historic-Zoning-Commission.aspx)
- Metro Historic Zoning Commission – Preservation Permits: http://www.nashville.gov/Historical-Commission/Services/Preservation-Permits.aspx
- Metro Historic Zoning Commission – Preservation Permits for DADU’s located in a historic overlay – (DADU = Detached Accessory Dwelling Units) http://www.nashville.gov/Historical-Commission/Services/Preservation-Permits/Districts-and-Design-Guidelines/Detached-Accessory-Dwelling-Units.aspx
Architecture and Construction Books (Lynn Taylor’s top three books)
- Architectural Graphic Standards, Tenth Edition Hardcover – April 7, 2000
by John Ray Hoke Jr. (Author), Charles George Ramsey (Author) - A Field Guide to American Houses Paperback – June 12, 1984
by Virginia Savage McAlester (Author), Lee McAlester (Author) - Builder’s Guide to Mixed Climates: A Comprehensive Guide to the Best Mixed-Climate Building Techniques Paperback – Bargain Price, February 3, 2000
by Joseph Lstiburek (Author) There are several books in this series depending on which climate zone you work or live.
- Architectural Graphic Standards, Tenth Edition Hardcover – April 7, 2000