Dispelling the Myths of Greening your Home and Lifestyle

PRESENTATION: March 20th, 2012   from 6:30-7:30pm

Tara Biller presents:

“Dispelling the Myths of Greening your Home and Lifestyle”

Just turning on the news, reading the paper, or checking online news reports can make you worry about what’s going to happen with our economy. We are all looking for ways to cut back our spending and save money — and going “green” is an excellent way to do that. There are many misconceptions that going green is very expensive and in order to do so, you must install solar panels, geo-thermal systems, grey-water systems, or buy a hybrid or electric car. Those myths are certainly NOT the case. The majority of us can’t afford to make those kinds of investments today. So what can we do?


206 Gallatin Road, Nashville, TN 37206

Directions to our Library: About two miles from I-65, I-40, we’re at the intersection of 11th Street, Main Street, and Gallatin Road. Free parking is available behind the building.


Tara Biller of Green Proof Your Home will lead a discussion on how greening your home and lifestyle can help reduce your environmental impact and save you money.

Tara Biller is founder and owner of Green Proof Your Home, a consulting service designed to outline the simple steps of going “green”. She is a contributing writer to several Nashville community papers and newsletters. Tara is a frequent speaker on topics related to “Green” living and has organized a community challenge called the Nashville Eco-Challenge (a volunteer effort to reduce our community’s ecological footprint).

Tara Biller, Green Proof Your Home